Name and Shame – Press Power

Greetings from The Slave Detective,

Every day I receive notifications of press coverage of human trafficking stories.

I have been involved in some of them and rarely recognise the story!

I also lecture to young journalists training at The Press Association and have done for a few years.

This interesting article passed over my desk today from “Inside Nova” an American Publication.

What initially caught my eye was a Tag Line “Prince William Fugitive of the week.” I thought perhaps our Royal Family member had stepped out of line again? It turned out to be The District of Prince William in the USA, most wanted poster!

Then  I noted the naming and shaming of seven males who had groomed young girls on line.

name and shame

While it is to be applauded that the local newspaper is happy to name and shame these persons, who knows why they were grooming this girls, but I note they have also published their home addresses.

I would be interested to find out what the effect this has and if it is encouraging vigilante type attacks on these persons.

I hope the Police ‘Sting’ curtails the activities of others seeking to emulate these ‘Gentlemen’ and I know other Police agencies carry out similar operations and applaud them.

Is this a good use of the power of the press?

You decide. I know that we must protect our children!


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